Covid-19 Transparency
We have always believed in transparency with our clients. In the novel coronavirus era that belief is important now more than ever. Below you will find updated Covid-19 safety protocols that each HHNYC staff is following during their work day. These protocols are based on CDC guidelines.
Daily Temperature Monitoring
Every work day, a photo of the thermometer that displays your current temperature must be sent to Annie IN TIME TO PET before you leave your home or by 12pm, whichever comes first.
If you have a fever you will not be able to work and will require a Covid-19 test before you’re able to return.
If you test positive for Covid-19, we will follow recommendations from your doctor for returning back to work.
If you are feeling ill, regardless of a fever, do not come to work.
Face Coverings/Masks
Pre-symptomatic carriers of Covid-19 can still pass along the virus before they realize they are sick.
Wearing face masks can reduce the spread of Covid-19, hence wearing a mask when you are around other people is recommended.
Each HHNYC team member is required to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations for wearing face masks.
We will wear a mask every time we are working and will keep it on in times that social distancing is not possible.
Remember that it is best to always social distance as best as you can.
Masks will be provided for you.
Make sure you are wearing your mask correctly.
The nose and mouth are both to be fully covered.
Remember that the only mask to fully protect against the Covid-19 virus is the N95 mask.
Therefore, while you are required to wear a face covering to reduce the spread of Covid-19, there is still a risk.
Being mindful of social distancing, hygiene, and not touching surfaces or your face are best practices to keep everyone safe.
Do not touch the inside of your mask.
Remember to wash your hands before adjusting the mask.
Remember to clean your masks after use.
In order to practice social distancing HHNYC team members will not be allowed to enter an elevator with more than 1 other human. There should be 2 humans total - including fellow team members.
Stay apart as best as you can.
Hand washing is important.
Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Since we will not always have a lot of access to sinks, use hand sanitizer after touching surfaces including the dogs.
Wash hands before eating.
Sanitize your phone before putting it to your face.
Picking Up Dogs
Give a 10 minute warning message before picking up each dog.
This helps clients prepare for our arrival to help keep everyone safe.
HHNYC team members and clients understand that both parties should be wearing face coverings and/or respecting social distancing protocols.
If a client is not respecting these protocols you have the right and permission to voice your concerns and boundaries.
If a client is not respecting these protocols let the manager know immediately.
We have the right to refuse service for noncompliance.
Make sure you have sanitized your hands before entering the home and handling the dogs and their equipment.
Do Not Let Dogs Lick Your Face
While we know that Covid-19 cannot be passed from canines to humans, there may be a chance that humans can pass the virus to canines and other non-human animals.
Keep everyone safe and practice sanitation and hygiene with dogs too!